Fansnax Wiki

You and Filbo arrive at Saucy Grove, where you find Triffany. She's looking at a sauce plant.

FilboHappySticker Filbo - "Uh, hey Triffany!"

TriffanyHappySticker Triffany - "Oh hey Hun. Just checkin' out this sauce plant over here. It looks like it's Wambus' Special Sauce!"

FilboHappySticker Filbo - "Oh that's cool... so we have to get going to Snaxburg so we can rebuild it. "

TriffanyHappySticker Triffany - "In a second. Let me see..."

*pulls out the Sauce Shooter and puts the special sauce in*

FilboHappySticker Filbo - "Uh... what IS that?"

TriffanyHappySticker Triffany - "I had Floofty make it before we left. It shoots sauce faster than the slinger, and will definitely be helpful catching bugsnax. Why don't you try it?"

*Hands it to the journalist*

FilboHappySticker Filbo - "I really think we should-"

TriffanyHappySticker Triffany - "Here's some ketchup. Lure a Pepsodie over to me!"
Quest Pin sticker
Peping Pepsodie
Triffany gave me the Sauce Shooter, I'm testing it out by luring a pepsodie to her.
Partial Construction Warning

Objectives: * Lure one pepsodie to Triffany (0/1)

*You lead a Pepsodie over to her using sauce*

TriffanyHappySticker Triffany - "Wow, it really works well! Try covering a Biscuitick using sauce and then catch it."

Quest Pin sticker
Peping Pepsodie
Triffany gave me the Sauce Shooter, I'm testing it out by luring a pepsodie to her.
Partial Construction Warning

Objectives: * Lure one pepsodie to Triffany (0/1)

*Catch a Biscuitick*

TriffanyHappySticker Triffany - "Wow, I can't wait to show Wambus! Let's go back to Snaxburg and meet up there!"

*Triffany runs to New Snaxburg*

FilboHappySticker Filbo - "Wow... she's a lot more excited than I remember her being... but let's go back to Snaxburg and start rebuilding!

The previous part in the story is Re-learning the Ropes.

The next part in the story is Welcome to New Snaxburg.
