This is the final boss in Bugsnax 2: Delicious Disaster! The bossfight takes place in giant caverns in The Undersnax.
The leader of all bugsnax. Defeat it and save the world!
During all of these phases, a 10 minute timer will show at the top of the screen. If you don't beat the Snaxquatch in time, the fight restarts. This is The Journalist's greatest challenge yet...
Phase 1[]
In the first phase, The Snaxquatch will step back and spawn a Buffalocust, La Sodieux, a shrunken Cellystix and Aggroll. To pass this part, you must:
- Cover the Cellystix in Ranch to get the Buffalocust to knock it out.
- Snakgrapple the Buffalocust and then let the La Sodieux stun it
- Use the Aggroll to Stun the La Sodieux
- Tripshot the Aggroll
Then The Snaxquatch spawns a Megamaki (without Minimakis), Cappuceetle, Charmallow and 3 shrunken Millimochi. To pass this part, you must:
- Cover the Charmallow in chocolate and the Millimochis will cancel it out.
- Use the Megamaki to smash the Cappuceetle and stun it.
- Tripshot the Megamaki.
After, The Snaxquatch spawns a Baby Cakelegs, a shrunken Spaghider, a Wee mewon and a Bombino. To pass this part, you must:
- Cover the Baby Cakelegs in Cheese so it gets slurped up and stunned by Spaghider.
- Do the same with Wee Mewon.
- Finally use the Bombino to explode the Spaghider and stun them both.
Note: If a bugsnax is caught before it should, it respawns.
Note: When the bugsnax are stunned, they sink into the ground instead of going into your snakpack.
Phase 2[]
The Snaxquatch smashes the ground and it shatters. You start falling and flying bugsnax start swarming you. Possible Bugsnax are:
- Sweetiefly
- Lovely Sweetiefly
- Crystal Sweetiefly
- Rainbow Sweetiefly
- Cheepoof
- White Cheepoof
- Flamin' Cheepoof
- Charmallow
- Chillynilly
- Buffalocust
- Green Lollive
- Black Lollive
Use the Speedy Snakgrappler to shoot them down. After shooting down 20 of them, The Journalist finally lands in a cavern bigger than all the others. There The Snaxquatch will summon bugsnax and will transform into the giant bugsnax like Lizbert, which starts the last phase.
Note: Once again if the bugsnax are stunned, they don't go into your snakpack.
Phase 3 (Final Phase)[]
In phase 3, The Snaxquatch will summon Mama Mewon, Megamaki, Daddy Cakelegs, Mothza Supreme and Cheddaboardle Rex. There, they will all work together to destroy you and waste your time. Mama Mewon will Charge at you and send you flying, Megamaki will launch fish eggs at you, Daddy Cakelegs will spin and freeze you, Mothza Supreme will create dust devils and Cheddarboardle Rex will throw boulders at you. Dodge their attacks and they will hit each other. Finally the Snaxquatch is left. It will use the following attacks:
- Spikes appear from the ground and launch you.
- Giant boulders on fire will fall from the ceiling and set you on fire.
- It will grab you with it's Megamaki arms and hold you for 10 seconds.
- It will spit out a kind of poison that makes you sour.
- The Snaxquatch creates a cold wind that freezes you.
After a minute of this, Filbo calls you from your watch. He says that you can combine all of the tools to create a powerful cannon. Once you do, it creates the Snax Blaster. It creates a giant beam of energy that completely destroys the Snaxquatch's body and only leaves the small Snaxquatch. Then you can pick it up with your net.