Fansnax Wiki

You wake up after the flashback in your seat. The screen displays "TWO WEEKS LATER". Then you run out of the ship and towards Candied Cave. There you climb down a ladder and find a hole in the ceiling and Filbo lying on the ground. You wake him up.

FilboHappySticker Filbo - "Whuh? Lizbert?"
UnknownHappySticker Not again.../Are you joking?
FilboHappySticker Filbo - "oh... it's just you. *Gets up* I'm so... hungry..."
UnknownHappySticker How do I catch a bugsnak?/Can I have my tools?
FilboHappySticker Filbo - "Oh no... I forgot to bring the stuff! Look around for something you can use."
Quest Pin sticker
How To Catch a Snak!
I need to find a tool somewhere around here to catch bugsnax
Partial Construction Warning

Objectives: Find something to catch bugsnax with.

You have to run around Candied Cave and eventually you find an Upgraded Snak Trap and a tape recorder. You press play.

LizbertHappySticker Lizbert on. tape - *weird growl* "If you're listening to this, you got here safely! I've given you this new, upgraded snak trap to catch the new, non-parasitic bugsnax. Before you use it, you'll need to calibrate it, which I know Filbo can."
FilboHappySticker Filbo - "I can, but I'm sooooo hungry. You'll have to catch me 2 bugsnax without the snak trap. Here. *gives you the snaxscope* Now you can scan the bugsnax and maybe find out how to catch them."
Quest Pin sticker
Alternate methods
Since Fiblo isn't going to calibrate the trap until he eats, I need to find an alternative method to catch a snak.
Partial Construction Warning

Objectives: Find a way to catch a Bugsnak without any tools.

Use a Sugarspinner to stun a Chocolocust and return them to Filbo. he eats them, his arms become candy and chocolate, and he finishes calibrating the snak trap. It gives you the tutorial and you catch a Chocolate Strabby.

FilboHappySticker Filbo - "Nice job! Catch one more bugsnak and we can move on towards Snaxburg."

You catch one more Chocolate Strabby and get your trap stolen by a Chocolocust. Then you move on to Saucy Grove.

The previous part in the story is The Flashback.

The next part of the story is The Sauce Shooter.
