You wake up after the flashback in your seat. The screen displays "TWO WEEKS LATER". Then you run out of the ship and towards Candied Cave. There you climb down a ladder and find a hole in the ceiling and Filbo lying on the ground. You wake him up.
Lizbert on. tape - *weird growl* "If you're listening to this, you got here safely! I've given you this new, upgraded snak trap to catch the new, non-parasitic bugsnax. Before you use it, you'll need to calibrate it, which I know Filbo can."
Filbo - "I can, but I'm sooooo hungry. You'll have to catch me 2 bugsnax without the snak trap. Here. *gives you the snaxscope* Now you can scan the bugsnax and maybe find out how to catch them."
Alternate methods
Since Fiblo isn't going to calibrate the trap until he eats, I need to find an alternative method to catch a snak.
Objectives: Find a way to catch a Bugsnak without any tools.
Use a Sugarspinner to stun a Chocolocust and return them to Filbo. he eats them, his arms become candy and chocolate, and he finishes calibrating the snak trap. It gives you the tutorial and you catch a Chocolate Strabby.
Filbo - "Nice job! Catch one more bugsnak and we can move on towards Snaxburg."
You catch one more Chocolate Strabby and get your trap stolen by a Chocolocust. Then you move on to Saucy Grove.