Fansnax Wiki
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Raw Snaklings are bugsnax that have not formed into any food yet. They can be found at every location but very rarely. However, they are found en masse at [DATA EXPUNGED].


Raw Snaklings are yellow, 4-legged, goo-like critters with a sphere-shaped body, and they have 3 eyes. Their texture or material (which is raw snakmatter) is goo-like. There isn't really anything too special about them, apart from being the base form of all life that are bugsnax.

Behavior and Strategy[]

They don't do very much, but they can turn into any bugsnak in the matter of at least 2 minutes at max. If they spot you, they will run away, so be quick when catching them.

However, some- This part of the article has been redacted for spoilers.


Main Forms[]


Turning into[]

Turning into ??? (slot for Weynik000)[]


  • This is partly inspired by Animations And Other Stuff's Modificheery. Hopefully AAOS doesn't mind...
  • MrCyanSapphire plans to add a modified variant of the Raw Snakling that is used by the true creators of snakkind. [DATA EXPUNGED]