- "Crabapple"
- -insert fansnax ideas here-
- 10 Pellebug
- 1 Pellebug
- 20 Pellebug
- 2D Pyrito
- 3000th PAGE!
- 5 Pellebug
- 69
- ???
- A&S
- ABE-167
- AI catches Bugsnax
- A Bugsnak Whose Made Out Of Flames Rather Than Snakmatter
- A Something
- Abandoned Alpine
- Ability storage/combiner
- Abnormal Buffet
- Abomanopper
- Abyssal Abyss
- Adoption Center
- Aereo
- Aero-trap
- Aerofly
- Ai Pinkle
- Aibbercot
- Air Tank
- Aka Wiskattle
- Akneet
- Akrahorn
- Albino Shrimbug
- Aldergrove
- Alegander Jamfoot recordings
- Alien Plorty
- All-Consuming Grumbop
- All-Consuming One
- All Tooth
- Almant
- Almoflea
- Aloaft
- Aloodler
- Altresnax
- Amber Cobhopper
- Amber Sweetiefly
- Amberock
- American Sherbie
- American Sodie
- Americeetle
- Amethystpop
- Ammartzu
- Amphican
- Amplexy
- Ampod
- Ancestor Bugsnax
- Ancestral Mangeetle
- Ancherlie
- Anchie
- Ancient Anomalee
- Ancient Nug Bug
- Ancient Snakpod
- Ancient Stones
- Ancient Weenyworm
- Anenia Liliclover
- Angel plorty
- Angler Plorty
- Animeals
- Anomalee Hatchling
- Anomalopot
- Antgoes
- Antique Charcuterboardle
- Antpheggnogaster
- Apangel
- Apexane
- Aphicot
- Aphig
- Apocalypse Plorty
- Apple Fizz Sodie
- Apple Fryder
- Apple Incherrito
- Apple Pielobite
- Apple Spuddy
- Applemalocaris
- Applewasp
- Apra Celopis
- Apricot Sauce
- Apricrapple
- Aqua Sodie
- Aquatic Pikibug
- Aquatic Sweetiefly
- Arachnid Snakerfly
- Arachnid Snakpod
- Arachnotacean
- Arachola
- Aracwer
- Arandascrem
- Archived Pages
- Arctic rolltilus
- Arid Caverns
- Ariven Conepopper
- Arken Caveharden
- Arken Grumbop
- Armalice
- Armypede
- Arthroflesh
- Aspic Eggler
- Assasastick
- Assassin Shishkabug
- Astringent Ocean
- Astro Scoopy
- Astrobug
- Astronaut beveragebug
- Attributes
- Augurnood
- Auguto's book
- Aurelly
- Average tdi Bugsnak be like:
- Avoant
- Avobug
- Avocantlion
- Avocomber
- Azelee Fizzlebean
- BBQ Sauce
- BBQger
- B 620
- B 620 inspection dialouge
- Baby CheeseCakePede
- Baby Foodler
- Baby Fryder
- Baby Rootle
- Baby Squishlegs
- Baby Strablegs
- Baby Vena Bug
- Baby Weenyworm
- Baby charmallow
- Baby maki/roll
- Baby peaider
- Bacabug
- Backcinna
- Bacon Bunger
- Bacon Frider
- Bacon Poptick
- Bacon Sodie
- Bacworm
- Bagelant
- Baguettepede
- Baja Bunger
- Baja Inchpoof
- Baja picantis
- Baked Jellytato
- Bakstra
- Baku Baku
- Ballbardier
- Ballmbardier
- Ballmbardier (Card)
- Balongnat
- Baluphaga
- Banafudgiefly
- Banana Glyceruxusu
- Banana Inchwrap
- Banana Mothwrap
- Banana Snackpod
- Banana Split Tacroach
- Banana Splitabug
- Bananathairos
- Bananomalocaris Bananadensis
- Banned Sweetiefly
- Barbeworm
- Barcorn dog
- Barklouse
- Barnabug
- Barnacle Snakpod
- Barnatacean
- Barnleny Oranglvy
- Barrelly
- Barsauce
- Basking Skittishark
- Bathyphyscrem
- Bathypod
- Batricia flufflebuff
- Battered Fryder
- Battered Picantis
- Battlesnax Theater
- Batty Plorty
- Beachdipper
- Beacuid
- Beef Satayrellid
- Beefer
- Beefle
- Beefskabug
- Beereetle
- Beetalo
- Beetloba
- Beetorm
- Beezza
- Beffica Grumbop
- Belle winklesnoot
- Below Decks and Docks DLC
- Belton
- Benthesicymid Sushrimp
- Beoba
- Berrebite
- Berry Cobblerlegs
- Berryant
- Berrypus
- Big Clamsicle
- Big Toffolocle
- Bignopper
- Bikini Buffet Expansion
- Bikorm
- Biome Sauce
- BirdAnger
- Birthday cakebug
- Birthdaysodie
- Biscutpillar
- Biscwit
- Bisluggie
- Bistro Ruins
- Bistro Ruins Quests
- Bitter Nectarine
- Bitter Snakmin
- Bitter Sour
- Bittersweet Badlands
- Bittersweet Badlands Quests
- Black Buffalocust
- Black Cheery
- Black Licopede
- Black Lollidactyl
- Black Mothrolive
- Black Rizzberry
- Black radtle
- Blackky
- Bladderfloat
- Bleeding Amunguss
- Bleetle
- Blocképede
- Blood-belly Comblly
- Blood Glizzieworm
- Bloodstained Wormon
- Bloody Snakpod
- Blotbug
- Blue Banopper
- Blue Bopsihurl
- Blue Cobhopper
- Blue Cottonspinner
- Blue Crapple
- Blue Isoberry
- Blue Kweeble
- Blue Lobstie
- Blue Loumarlin
- Blue Mama Mewon
- Blue Mouth
- Blue Mouth DLCs
- Blue Peelbug
- Blue Popsensing
- Blue Pringler
- Blue Raspberry Sourodie
- Blue Razzby
- Blue Strabby
- Blue Taffiggina
- Blue Takistix
- Blue Twizzlewurm
- Blue berrylegs
- Blue cheepoof
- Blue jelltapus
- Blue poptick
- Blue posponge
- Blue taffypede
- Bluebeery
- Blueberry Glyceruxusu
- Blueberry Gumbear
- Blueberry Sconetalis
- Blueberry scloop
- Blueby
- Blueder
- Bluefire
- Bluepoptick sweer
- Bluetider
- Boardwalk Fryder
- Bob
- Bobant
- Bobaroon
- Bobbado
- Bombabutter
- Bombackee
- Bombarjelly
- Bombino (card)
- Bomegranate
- Bonbombs
- Bonbonpede
- Boneshark Fin Stewdler
- Bonny beach
- Boogicabigage
- Boom Plorty
- Boozlebean (Cherry)
- Boozlebean (Gory)
- Bopsitoss Bigrande
- Borealis
- Borjii
- Borschtler
- Borshter
- Boseedium
- Bottled Bopsicle
- Bottlorm
- Bowlash
- Bowlcrab
- Bowlnana Split
- Braincrab
- Branong
- Bratwurm
- Bravery Bar
- Breadant
- Breadbug
- Breadbugsnak
- Breadchin
- Breadder
- Breadeuropsis
- Breadorm
- Breakfast Boreal Forest
- Breakfast Spuddy
- Breakfast Tacroach
- Breakfeetle
- Breapod
- Brekfest
- Briar Henen
- Brick
- Briny Bog
- British DLC
- British Flagworm
- Brittle Badlands
- Broccolice
- Broccolier
- Broccroach
- Brocoly
- Broken Tooth Expansion
- Broken tooth expansion
- Bronto Dinugget
- Brood Cepharrow
- Brootle
- Brown Poptick
- Brownibug
- Broxelder Bug
- Brrr Mewon
- Bruboldt
- Brudler
- Brussel Bug