- English only | This wiki is an English speaking community. We understand that not everyone might speak English. However, we aren't able to moderate text in other languages.
- Swearing is allowed | We would prefer if you don't, but if you do, please keep it to a minimum. Slurs are never allowed.
- No Advertising/Promoting non-related items | No advertising servers or anything along the lines of it.
- Safe links only | Only post links that are guaranteed to be safe. Nobody wants to click on any suspicious links.
- Try to Make Bugsnax | Joke bugsnax are fine, but when making a bug/Snak coming from a different game, try to at least give it Bugsnak qualities. Please don't make them completely unrelated to Bugsnax. Make the Bug be either A: an animal or B: An extinct animal.
- Ask before you make a Snak in someone’s area | Forgot to put this but asking someone first can always ensure that conflicts are prevented from happening.
- Don't harass people | Don't harass people over their snax or areas.
- Don't pretend this is a dev studio | This is a Wiki about fanmade bugsnax, not a dev studio. No one is making the next real Bugsnax game.
The icon of each user[]
Peachy by Pipythecat145
Toxeetle by Preyingpicantis63
Loumackerel by CoolCharmallow
Centempura by Ursaring660
Snaileese by Cheesee_46
Pink Poptick by Mrbugsnax
Duriant by Unidentified-Harrier82
Emperor Sweever by Weemewon67
King Fryder by RoninSun47
Strabbysaurus Rex by Cakelegs
Cheese Fryder by PikaPea2507
Frieickin Icecrider by Super Nooby Boy
Whiting Matea by MrCyanSapphire
Fondsnail by Weynik000
User of the Week[]

On Monday, the first user of the week will be elected (P.S. this thing is done totally randomly just serves to introduce random users).
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If you enjoyed this wiki, check out the game this was based on!