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Fansnax Wiki


"who knew something so sweet could act so salty" -2qu1dM1lk


Creamon is a Ancestor Bugsnak hailing from the Broken Tooth Expansion in the Pinacle Peak. Its pattern of walking is all around Pinacle Peak.


Creamon is a tall quadrupedal bugsnak, scaling almost as tall as an omegamaki facing upwards.

it has four grey cup like feet. It's legs are a palish pink color yogurt. It's body and neck are a type of ice cream. Flavors are assumed to be vanilla, strawberry, FRENCH vanilla. Its back is topped with little cream drops meant to be creamlings. it has a cone like beak that can penetrate rock. It's eye is a pale bluish color, hinting that it's sight is limited. So it relies on it's underlings to help it navigate, usually by it's yelps.


Creamon is to strong to be trip shotted and to cold to use the Element-Net on. So you need to bring a spicy bugsnak towards it. A good example is BurritoWorm, those things can be found nesting near the spicy hot-springs in the Pinacle Peal. simply get one to come out, and throw some sauce at creamon. The burrito worm will progressively make it smaller, that is if the Creamon isn't fast enough to stun it and drive it away. Once creamon is small enough, size of big bopsicle should be good, catch it with the Element-Net

Related to[]

Shavice, shavy, bowlster, conester, Creamlings, Scoopy Picantis (distant)


  • Creamon's design is actually the Shavice prototype. with a few design changes
  • it is essentially the first blind/near sighted fansnak
  • it may be the biggest bugsnak, yet to be confirmed